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Author Background


Born in the West Riding of Yorkshire's coal fields around Wakefield, he attended grammar school, where he enjoyed sport rather than academic work. After three years at teacher training college in Leeds, he became a junior school teacher in 1967 in a wonderfully and deliciously decrepit building which had been raised in Victorian times in south Leeds.

He spent a lot of time during his teaching career entertaining children of all ages, a large part of which was through telling stories, and encouraging them to escape into a world of imagination and wonder. Some of his most disturbed youngsters he found to be talented poets. He has always had a wicked sense of humour which has blossomed only during the time he has spent with his wife, Denise. This sense of humour also allowed many youngsters to survive often difficult and brutalising home environments.

He retired in 2006 after almost forty years working in schools with young people who had significantly disrupted lives because of behaviour disorders and poor social adjustment, generally brought about through circumstances beyond their control.

He had moved from leafy lane suburban middle class school teaching to residential schooling for emotionally and behaviourally disturbed children in the early 1990s, which provided the spur to achieve other ambitions. Supported by his wife, Denise, he achieved a Master's degree in his mid-forties and a PhD at the age of fifty-six, because he had always wanted to do so.

Having loved every minute of an eventful and entertaining career, now he is enjoying glorious retirement, where he spends as much time as life will allow writing, reading and holidaying in the sun.

"Magic Parcel: The Awakening" and "Magic Parcel: The Gathering Storm" are available now, either from this website, from his publisher's website (, or from book shops such as Amazon or Waterstones.



"18 Mulberry Road" was released 31 September 2011, and is available to buy as above.

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